- 熱縮套管
- W-1-H (RSFR-H) Zero halogen, flexible heat shrink tubing.pdf[ 下載 ]
- W-1-HCB Ultra thin wall Zero halogen, flexible heat shrink tubing.pdf[ 下載 ]
- W-1-HL (2X,3X)Yellow/Green stripped, flexible, flame- retardant.pdf [ 下載 ]
- W-1-PT RSFR環保阻燃熱縮套管
- W-1-PT Universal heat shrink tubing with excellent physical and mechanical properties.pdf[ 下載 ]
- W-1-PTCB Ultra thin wall, very flexible heat shrink tubing[ 下載 ]
- WMPG 銅排絕緣熱縮套管