产品中心 > Seiwa > Autopilots
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Autopilot SW AP03 24v UX0AP030SW-HD
- Supply Voltage Range nominal): 12 to 14V dc

- Maximum Supply Voltage Range: 10 to 16V dc

- Supply Current:
◦Basic system in STANDBY: 0.33A
◦In Pilot with 20% duty: 2.5A

- Compass: Fluxgate in damped suspension
◦Typical deviation: 2.5 deg rms.

- Rudder Transducer: Potentiometer type

- Rudder position accuracy: 1 deg.

- Max rudder angle: +/- 60 deg.

- Clutch drive: 1V below the supply voltage at 1A

- Steering Drive:
◦Output for 12V supply: 10V at rated load
◦Max continuous current: 16A
◦Max current for 15 sec.: 20A
◦Max current for 1 sec.: 40A

- Mechanical drive steering: motor Printed rotor with gearbox and electromechanical clutch.

- Hydraulic drive systems: See manufacturers' specs.

- Recommended response times:
◦Hull length up to 11mt: 8 sec. for -20 to +20 deg swing.
◦Hull length 11 to 13m: 10 sec. for -20 to +20 deg swing.
◦Hull length above 13m: 12 sec. for -20 to +20 deg swing.

Autopilot SW AP01 UX0AP010SW
- Supply Voltage Range nominal): 12 to 14V dc

- Maximum Supply Voltage Range: 10 to 16V dc

- Supply Current:
◦Basic system in STANDBY: 0.33A
◦Add for Controller 2: 0.15A
◦In Pilot with 20% duty: 2.5A

- Compass: Fluxgate in damped suspension
◦Typical deviation: 2.5 deg rms.

- Rudder Transducer: Potentiometer type

- Rudder position accuracy: 1 deg.

- Max rudder angle: +/- 60 deg.

- Clutch drive: 1V below the supply voltage at 1A

- Steering Drive:
◦Output for 12V supply: 10V at rated load
◦Output for 24V supply: 22V at rated load
◦Max continuous current 16A
◦Max current for 15 sec.: 20A
◦Max current for 1 sec.: 40A

- Mechanical drive steering: motor Printed rotor with gearbox and electromechanical clutch.

- Torque:
◦12V unit: 120kg-cm at 30 rpm/5A.
◦24V unit: 150kg-cm at 40 rpm/7.5A.

- Hydraulic drive systems: See manufacturers' specs.

- Recommended response times:
◦Hull length up to 11mt: 8 sec. for -20 to +20 deg swing.
◦Hull length 11 to 13m: 10 sec. for -20 to +20 deg swing.
◦Hull length above 13m: 12 sec. for -20 to +20 deg swing.

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