Products > Schneider-Electric > Electrical Distribution > Power Management System
Products detail
Inquiry Photo Description Model Technical parameters Certification Remark
PM800 電力儀表器 PM810 PM820 PM850 PM870
PM810MG, with THD, alarming, 1l/1O

PM820MG, with harmonics, alarming, 80kB logging, 1l/1O

PM850MG, with harmonics, alarming, 800kB logging, 1l/1O

PM870MG, with harmonics, alarming, sag and swell detection

Other models also available, please contact us for details.
PM700 電力儀表器 PM700 PM700P PM710 PM750
PM700MG, power meter

PM700PMG, with 2 pulse outputs

PM710MG, with RS485 communication port

PM750MG, with RS485 port, alarm and digital I/O
Other models also available, please contact us for details.
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